
In the beginning…

One day after another weekend of brewpubs and taste testing a friend asked me why I didn’t write about my beer adventures in a blog. I honestly had no answer and once I thought about it, wondered why I’ve never done just that. I have a passion for writing that rivals that of my love of beer.

Both of those passions were inherited from my dad who’s always been a supportive and driving force in my life. He was always feeding me books full of bad-ass women who I aspired to be like; mostly of the sword-swinging variety. At around seven he even enrolled us in Taekwondo, which was the most unbelievable experience I’d ever had in my young life. No swords, but a lot of kicking and punching 🙂

As an adult, my love of reading and writing stories hasn’t subsided and I’ve applied that skill to blogging about beer. Since 2001, my dad has been brewing his own beer and for almost as along I’ve been tasting and critiquing along with him. Now it’s a whole family affair with mom, dad, and my brother and sister. Almost every weekend we’re out together visiting new breweries and brewpubs around Wisconsin.

If you see us out and about, come say hi!

~ Steph